Economic Development & Incubation Programs

State Proud’s vision extends beyond promoting local products; it also serves as a platform for connecting with programs developed by the Contract Manufacturing Alliance (CMA) through This collaboration opens up a world of opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs looking to engage in manufacturing, innovate within the food industry, or establish new production facilities. The links created by State Proud enable stakeholders to explore specific manufacturing facility builds, the conversion of closed-down buildings into manufacturing plants, the establishment of food innovations centers, commercial kitchens, and pilot plants, fostering a supportive ecosystem for product development and production. Moreover, State Proud’s partnership with the CMA includes other programs aimed at driving economic development in special zones, facilitating the creation of area-based commercial kitchens, and even supporting the creation of new of food hall food service, and retail concepts, all of which contribute to local economic growth and job creation.

By leveraging the resources and expertise of the Contract Manufacturing Alliance, State Proud is well-positioned to not only promote locally made products but also to facilitate the development of manufacturing infrastructure and innovation centers, enhancing the overall capacity and competitiveness of regional industries. These collaborative efforts underscore the commitment to fostering economic vitality and providing entrepreneurs with the tools and opportunities they need to thrive in their respective regions.